Yikes! It was a year ago today that we raised the funds for the Jesus documentary with your help! And I’m *still* working on it. I guess I should provide an update. At the moment I’m still working my way through the 20 hours of interview footage and piecing together the story that will support the narrative of the film. I’m nearly finished. Or at least I *better be*, because it’s currently looking like a two hour film! Once we’ve finished the script we’ll have to shoot my bits and then Sam will edit it all together! It has to be finished by June because he’s moving interstate in July. So we have a deadline! Thanks again for your support and patience. I can tell you that I’m very excited about the story we’re telling and I think you’re going to love it.

The photo is Mark Goodacre from Dept of Religion, Duke University, NC. I’ve been working on transcribing his interview recently and he’s very entertaining, as you can tell from this still!