Hey folks!  So, where are we at?

In June and July we shot about 18 hours of footage in Australia, doing interviews with scholars in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. That all went great, even though I had to learn that I’m not doing a 100 hour podcast here, and there are lots of great points and stories that I won’t be able to fit into a 90 minute film. We’ll have to leave those for the inevitable sequel!

Since then we’ve been trying to get ready to shoot in the US – mostly trying to work out the logistics of finding crews and locations we can work with around the country. Right now I’m in the process of making contact with the American scholars we want to get on camera and then scheduling to go over there in December/January to film as many as we can.

From there we’ll have a ton of footage that we’ll have to turn into a film. So I’ll be back in touch as soon as we have dates and scholars locked in for the US!