Getting Ready For US Filming

Getting Ready For US Filming

Hey folks!  So, where are we at? In June and July we shot about 18 hours of footage in Australia, doing interviews with scholars in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. That all went great, even though I had to learn that I’m not doing a 100 hour podcast here, and...
August Update!

August Update!

Hey folks – I’m sorry I missed a July update! I wanted to let you know what’s going on. So in June / July we shot six interviews with scholars in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney – 18 hours all up! It was a huge learning experience for me (Cam)...
June Update!

June Update!

Hey folks! Well it’s very exciting here at Deep Dive HQ, as we’re only TWO WEEKS AWAY from the first stage of principal photography! The following scholars will be sitting down with us at the end of June or during July. Michael Bird from Ridley College,...
May Update!

May Update!

Hey folks, I just wanted to keep you up to date with our progress! We start shooting late June in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, with the first few scholars – Mike Bird, Chris Forbes and Raphael Lataster. We’ve got a number of other requests out, and only...
April Update

April Update

Well it’s been nearly a month since our funding campaign finished and we’ve been pretty busy. We now have a long and solid list of global scholars that we will be interviewing over the next six months. The plan is to start filming the Aussies in June and...
Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

You did it! You made this happen, with your contributions, large and small, and your support in other ways, promoting it on social media and moral support to urge us to keep going. Our sincere thanks goes out to every single one of you. And now the work begins. We are...